Meet Chingu, our hospital manager and greeter!
Chingu is a two-year-old domestic shorthair cat who was found outside in February by an Oakville citizen. She was brought into our hospital with terribly damaged and infected paws and skin on the left paw was almost gone. Despite this injury, Chingu has been purring since she set foot in our hospital.
After undergoing reconstructive and cosmetic surgery with Dr. Lee, treatments were started right away, and the road to recovery began. She required three weeks of recovery time, including everyday bandage changes and rehabilitation time for several more weeks. Now, she is almost completely healed, although her paw may always look ‘different’ than a normal cat’s. She does have some ligament and nerve damages, but otherwise she runs around as if nothing ever happened!
Shortly after her surgery, we decided that she was too special to let go of, and decided to keep her as a hospital cat. It was then that she received her name, which means ‘friend’ in Korean.
Chingu is usually found sunbathing in the windows or wandering around the treatment area of the hospital. She enjoys ‘checking in’ on our hospital patients and playing with the staff pets. She also likes to steal the reception chair so that she can supervise hospital operations. Chingu is a very loving and playful cat with a bright spirit, and she has made Upper Oakville Pet Hospital feel like home.